A Display of Elissyah Jones' Portfolio.

A photo of the portfolio's author, Elissyah Jones, on a hiking trail.

Hello, and welcome to my portfolio showcase! I'm Elissyah, a 24 year old graphic designer, currently pursuing a Digital Media Design degree. I've got three cats that I love to death, I work full-time alongside school, and I currently enjoy photography most of all different digital media types. I appreciate your viewing of this page, and hope you enjoy your time here. For a little bit more about me, click here to go to my personal biography!

An Online Showcase of Artworks, Photographs, Graphic Designs, etc.

A photo of a brown and white puppy with a blue leash/collar on, panting and looking off to the side.

Below is a link leading to the official website of the College that I am currently attending:

Texas State Technical College

I began my courses online with TSTC in 2022, and have been pursuing a degree in Digital Media Design since. I've learned a lot through my time here, and hope to continue to learn more as I go on to new projects.

I hope you enjoy your viewing experience throughout, and please do check back in periodically as this display is updated. If you'd like to know more about my work or my learning experience, TSTC is a wonderful school at which to learn more about digital media and art.
